Your Guide To Successful Student Loan Repayment (Part 1/2)
Learn how preparing in advance and having a game plan regarding your student loans can make a big difference when it comes time to begin repayment. Listen to testimonials of other students, how they handled their situations, and learn how to better understand your rights and responsibilities as a borrower.
Your Guide To Successful Student Loan Repayment (Part 2/2)
Find out what to do once your student loan repayment starts. Once you leave school and are required to begin repayment of your loan, it’s important to understand the options available to you, prepare for unexpected situations, and know exactly who to contact should you have any questions or problems.
Who is Eligible for the Pay As You Earn Student Loan Repayment Plan?
In this clip from our Best Student Loan Repayment Strategies webinar with student loan expert Heather Jarvis, we learn about the Pay as You Earn loan repayment plan and what it takes to be considered an eligible student for this payment option.
Webinar Update:
Due to the nature of a live webinar, sometimes it’s helpful to clarify some parts of the live conversation to make sure there’s no confusion. Here’s a few points discussed in the webinar that we wanted to clarify:
- You’re entitled to one free credit report, every year, from any of the ‘big three’ reporting agencies.
- Both the Standard and Graduated Federal Loan repayment plans have a repayment term between 5 – 10 years.
You can now apply for income-driven repayment plans easily and online! If you’re considering the income-driven repayment plans of IBR, ICR or Pay As You Earn for your Direct Loans, you can now login to the Department of Education’s Direct Loan portal ( ) to apply. They’ve made it a lot easier to apply for these plans than it has been in the past, like allowing you to import the bulk of your information directly from the IRS. Check it out!
Like what you see so far?
We are just about to launch additional resources that will not only increase your financial capability but provide a great resume addition for any current student or recent graduate. Be the first to know!