Five Ways to Save Real $$ as a Wedding Guest

  1. What to wear: Shop consignment shops in the high rent district (think manhattan, borrow from a friend or rent a dress! Try and be sure to get the backup dress!  Remember YOU are NOT the bride!  You can also find amazing accessories and even shoes for a fraction of the cost to buy new!
  2. Time the hair and mani/pedi: Assuming this is in your regular budget then all you have to do is TIME it as close to the wedding day as possible, if not that morning especially for the hair
  3.  Best Gift ideas: DIY photo gift is always a hit!
  4. Destination wedding keeping you from attending?  Carpool, use miles for airline tickets and try renting a house to share with others instead of the expensive hotel. is a great site!
  5. But what about those pre-parties?  Politely decline any event that you cannot afford.  A weekend to Vegas will do more damage that good

You can’t afford to go into DEBT to attend a wedding and your friends don’t want you to either so hide that credit card.

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